Professor Hamida Khanum, Ph D
American International University, Bangladesh
Professor Hamida Khanum Ph. D, Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. M. Sc. Specialization in Parasitology. Awarded and Obtained Ph. D. in 1975, in the field of Zoology (Fish Parasitology), University of Dhaka. Dhaka, Teaching MPH courses, and supervised 50 thesis students of MPH in American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), Bosumdhara, Dhaka..
Total 260 Scientific research papers on human and animal Parasitology have been published in National and International recognized journals including 2 Books. About 23 Popular Articles on Dibabilities of children have been published in different National and International Proceedings and Brochure. A total of 25 NGOs, Ministries and Educational Organizations including SPACE. Zoological Society of India (W.B. FELLOW MEMBER), Life member-Indian Academy of Environmental Sciences.
Abstract : Microbial infection among admitted patients of Cardiac Surgery in a Tertiary Hospital Dhaka