Immunology and Cell Biology 2023 | Immunology 2023 | Cell biology

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Renowned Speakers

Immunology Conference | Immunology2023 |  virology | Cell biology |

Dr.Bibigul Ilyassova

Syzganov national Scientific Center of Surgery, Kazakhstan

Immunology Conference | Immunology2023 |  virology | Cell biology |

Joanna K. Bujak

Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

Immunology Conference | Immunology2023 |  virology | Cell biology |

Kinga Majchrzak

Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

Immunology Conference | Immunology2023 |  virology | Cell biology |

Dr.Zhi-Zhang Yang

Department of Medicine Mayo Clinic, USA

Immunology Conference | Immunology2023 |  virology | Cell biology |

Dr.Timothy R Fouts

Profectus Biosciences Inc., USA

Immunology Conference | Immunology2023 |  virology | Cell biology |

Dr.Robert H Schiestl

University of California, USA

Immunology Conference | Immunology2023 |  virology | Cell biology |

Dr.Aleksandra Lewandowicz

Wroclaw Medical University, Poland

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Immunology 2023

About Conference

Immunology conference invites all the Researchers, Scientists and Experts on behalf of committee members to be the part of the prestigious 16th Global Summit on Immunology and Cell Biology” schedule on April 17-18, 2023 at Rome, Italy.

Immunology 2023 offers an attention to explore, grip and meet with prominent speakers of the field, including both broad and specific subjects. Explore and look forward to the new way by assimilating new beliefs and customizing the limits of future technology. Conference  focusses on the theme “Exploring the Human Immune System and Cell biology”.

Conference includes keynote introductions, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Young Researchers gathering and Exhibitions.  An effort to make possible interactions among world leading scientists, research scholars, professionals, young researchers from different parts of the world to exchange their knowledge and conduct immunology symposia, show experiments with new innovative techniques that disseminate information about biology, best practices, skills and knowledge in the field of immunology

Conference on Immunology offers an optimistic platform for swapping ideas and aids the attendees to get updated about the advancements and innovations in Immunology and its Research. We hope this conference affords an excellent prospect to share your best practice initiative, research project, or provide continuing education as it relates current topics and advances around the industries and field of Immunological and Therapeutic Research

The 16th Global Summit on Immunology and Cell Biology will schedule and coordinate all meetings with our Editorial Board across the World. The scientific program paves a way to gather visionaries through the research talks and presentations and put forward many thought provoking information and therapeutic techniques related to Immunology.


Why to attend?

Immunology 2023 invites participants from all leading clinics, universities, clinical research institutions, and other businesses to fragment their research practises on all stages of this rapidly expanding stream, thereby offering a platform for contemporary research and enabling more affordable global health care. Additionally, working immunologists, nurses, aspiring doctors, and other oral healthcare professionals interested in the most recent innovations and methods in the field are expected to attend. Immunologist researchers, educators, clinical organisations, educational institutions, and business executives from the global health industry make up another group of opponents.

This is your finest opportunity to connect with the greatest number of members of the immunology and cell biology community, as people from all over the world are focused on learning about immunology and its developments. Make introductions, share information, connect with current and upcoming researchers, sprinkle new medical discoveries, and receive name recognition.


Target Audience

  • Immunologists
  • Rheumatologists
  • Microbiologists
  • Pulmonologists
  • Allergists
  • Pathologists
  • Clinical Immunologists
  • Physicians
  • Pediatricians
  • Virologists
  • Biotechnologists
  • Immunology professionals
  • Infectious diseases treatment doctors
  • University Professors
  • Various Societies and their members
  • Institutes-Medical Schools Students
  • Research Scholars
  • Laboratory technicians
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies
  • Companies producing vaccines, GMO’s and allergy therapeutics
  • Immunology Faculty 
  • Immunology Students, Scientists and Researchers 



Track 1: Immunology

A vital field of the medical and biological sciences, immunology is the study of the immune system. We are protected from infection by our immune system through a variety of processes. If the immune system is not functioning properly, diseases like cancer, allergies, and autoimmunity can arise.

With ongoing research in immunotherapy, autoimmune illnesses, and vaccines for newly emerging viruses like Corona, immunological research continues to broaden our understanding of how to address serious health conditions. Increasing our knowledge of fundamental immunology is necessary for clinical and industrial applications and has aided in the development of novel diagnostics and treatments for a variety of disorders. Along with the aforementioned benefits, immunological research has developed vitally significant research methods and instruments including flow cytometry and antibody technology.

Track 2: Immune System

A network of biological processes called the immune system guards an organism against disease. It recognises and reacts to a wide range of pathogens, separating them from the organism's own healthy tissue, including viruses, parasitic worms, cancer cells, and things like wood splinters. There are two main immune system subsystems seen in many species. The innate immune system responds to a variety of events and stimuli in a predetermined way. The adaptive immune system learns to recognize chemicals it has previously met and responds to each stimulus in a way that is specific to that stimulus. Both rely on molecules and cells to carry out their respective tasks.

The immune system consists of  some vital components:

Track 3:Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the area of medicine that examines the prevalence and long-term spread of viruses in populations. It is employed to stop the spread of infection among people when viral infections are on the rise. In order to understand the dynamics of viral infections and develop intervention techniques, host, virus, and environmental parameters are carefully monitored. Virus transmission can occur horizontally (from person to person) or vertically (from mother to kid). The population density, the number of susceptible people, and the cost of healthcare are some of the variables that affect the rate of viral infection transmission.

Track 4:Transplantation Immunology

Transplantation is the process of moving cells, tissues, or organs from one place to another, either inside the same person or between a donor and a recipient. One that has failed or been harmed due to illness or injury may be replaced with healthy organ or tissue from a donor. Both cellular (mediated by lymphocytes) and humoral (mediated by antibodies) systems have a role in the immunological response to an organ transplant. The T cells have a key role in the rejection of grafts, despite the involvement of other cell types. The sensitization stage and the effector stage make up the rejection reaction.

Track 5: Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy, a type of cancer treatment, helps your immune system fight cancer. The immune system in your body helps to protect you from illnesses and infections. Its constituents include organs, lymphatic system parts, and white blood cells .Types of immunotherapy.

Track 6: Immunoinformatics & Systemsimmunology

Understanding the immune system, a complex mechanism of the human body, is one of the most fascinating areas in biology. Research in immunology is essential for understanding the mechanisms behind human defence, developing medications to treat immunological illnesses, and maintaining health. Modern advances in genomic and proteomic understanding have significantly altered the field of immunology research. As the genomes of humans and other perfect organisms have been sequenced, a large capacity for data relevant to immunology research has steadily developed. At the same time, enormous numbers of useful and clinical data are being shared in the scientific literature and maintained in medical records. The most recent developments in computational biology or bioinformatics worked together to understand and organise these massive amounts of data, creating a new field known as computational immunology or immunoinformatics.

A branch of bioinformatics called computational immunology was founded on similar ideas and resources, namely methods for predicting protein structure and organisation location. A similar field to genomes and proteomics is immunology. It is a science that perfectly combines computer science, mathematics, chemistry, and biochemistry with immunology enabling in-depth analyses of immune system operations.

Track 7: Immunological techniques

Techniques for creating or using immunological reagents as experimental tools are both included in the field of immunology. In order to identify certain proteins in biological samples, the most popular immunological techniques include the creation and application of antibodies.

  •  ELISA ,
  •  RIA
  •  Fluorescence immunoassays
  • Chemoluminescence immunoassays 

Track 8: Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy

Cancer immunology is the study of interactions between cancer cells and the immune system. It is a rapidly expanding area of study with the goal of identifying biomarkers for cancer immunodiagnosis and creating novel cancer immunotherapeutic approaches.

Immunotherapy, a type of cancer treatment, helps your immune system fight cancer. The immune system in your body helps to protect you from illnesses and infections. Its constituents include organs, lymphatic system parts, and white blood cells. Types of immunotherapy.

Track 9 : Immunotoxicology

The study of harmful effects of pharmaceuticals and all other chemicals on the immune responsiveness of treated or exposed living hosts (immunosuppression and immunostimulation), as well as the induction of hypersensitivity and autoimmune disease, is known as immunotoxicology, or the science of immune system poisons.The study of potential immune system side effects of xenobiotics is done by the emerging field of toxicology known as immunotoxicology.

  • Immunosuppression,
  • Immunostimulation,
  • Hypersensitivity,
  • Autoimmunity

Track 10: Neuroimmunology

Neuroimmunology is a branch of immunology that combines the study of the immune system with neuroscience, the study of the neurological system. Understanding the interconnections between these two intricate systems during development, homeostasis, and injury response is a goal of neuroimmunologists. Our understanding of the pathology of several neurological illnesses, some of which have no obvious cause, will be further developed as a long-term goal of this rapidly evolving scientific field. Thus, neuroimmunology aids in the creation of novel pharmaceutical therapies for a number of neurological disorders. The neurological and immunological systems interact in a variety of ways, such as when they function physiologically together in health and sickness, when one or both of them fails and causes problems, and when physical, chemical, and environmental stresses are present. Immune activity is modulated by neurotransmitters such acetylcholine, norepinephrine, vasoactive intestinal peptide, element P, and histamine. The cytokine balance is normalised by neuroendocrine hormones such leptin, corticotrophin-releasing factor, and alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone.

Track 11:Immunodeficiency

The condition of immunodeficiency, often referred to as immunocompromisation, is characterised by a reduced or missing immune system's capacity to combat infectious illnesses and cancer. The majority of cases are acquired as a result of immune system-affecting external factors in the patient. Examples of these extrinsic factors include environmental elements like diet and HIV infection. It's also possible that genetic disorders/defects like SCID cause immunocompromisation. Compared to congenital illnesses, acquired disorders are more widespread. The lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, and bone marrow make up the immune system.

  • primary immunodeficiency diseases 
  • secondary immunodeficiency diseases

Track 12: Immunogenetics

The field of medical genetics and immunology known as "immunogenetics" or "immungenetics" studies how the immune system and genetics are related. A biological substance used in the injection enhances resistance to a certain pathogen. It has every unique agent that behaves like a disease approaching the microbe and activates the body's defense mechanism to recognize outside experts. A vaccine is a substance that has been extracted from life organisms that are either dead or inactive. Type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune illnesses are complicated genetic features brought on by immune system abnormalities. Finding the genes responsible for immunological deficiencies may help researchers find new target genes for treatment strategies. Alternately, genetic variants can also aid in defining the immunological process that results in disease.

Track13 :Pediatrics Immunology

Pediatric Immunology is the study of a youngster who has allergies or other problems with his impenetrable structure. The medical speciality of pediatric allergy and immunology is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of kids with allergies, asthma, eczema, and other immune system illnesses and problems. When the body reacts to medical conditions, any reaction may be observed at that time, such as roughage fever, asthma, hives, dermatitis (a rash), or anaphylaxis, an extremely severe and unusual reaction.

Track 14: Diagnostic and Technological novelty of Immunology

One form of treatment intended to strengthen the body's natural defences against cancer is biological therapy, often known as immunotherapy. To strengthen, focus, and restore the immune system's correct operation, it uses substances either created by the body or by man. Any way you choose, this is prepared. Inspiring our own defence mechanisms to be more shrewd in their criticism of cancer cells and supplying immune system building blocks are two ways to do this (man-made immune system proteins). In recent years, biotherapy has become a cornerstone of cancer treatment. New immunological treatment modalities are currently being researched for the possible future appearance of cancer. Few of these help teach the immune system to specifically attack cancer cells.

Immunologists naturally spend the most of their time at the lab bench a few years ago. They conducted their experiment by looking through a microscope and maybe characterising the different cells from a blood sample. Additionally, their understanding of the immune response was limited to what they could observe and, in light of that, what they could speculate.

Track 15:Viral Immunology

The study of immunological responses to viruses is called viral immunology. Viral infections are extremely immunogenic and trigger both cellular and humoral immune reactions. By adjustments and physiological changes, T and B cells develop their repertoire of distinct characteristics. T and B cells typically do not recognise a gift of comparable epitopes on a related virus. While T cells frequently see the conductor in a denaturized state together with MHC molecules, B cells frequently see free, unreduced proteins in their original three-dimensional shape. Depending on each individual's genetic makeup, different people may respond differently to the same virus.

Track 16:Parasite Immunology

The nature of most parasites' ongoing interactions with the body causes a prodigious immune response. Sadly, a large portion of this response isn't protective, and a small portion is damaging. Because parasites are protein-coated, they are susceptible to direct toxicity by macrophages, eosinophils, and neutrophils in situations when protective immunity is provided by a combination of bodily material and cellular protection. One infection can be warded off by protein alone. While non-specific and genetic variables are undoubtedly important, they are still ill-defined participants in the host response. By inducing hypersensitivity, disease that is mediated by immunology, or existing immune complexes, the immune system also responds in a harmful way. Additionally, parasites have developed unique defence mechanisms against the immune system, including the ability to modify their substance coat and cause immunological disorders. The development of efficient immunising agents may emerge from attempts to extract "host-protective" antigens in parasite diseases.

Track 17:Reproductive Immunology

Reproductive immunology is the study of interactions between the immune system and reproductive system components, such as maternal immune tolerance toward the foetus or immunological interactions across the blood-testis barrier. Infertility issues, frequent miscarriages, and pregnancy complications that are seen when this condition of immunological tolerance is not effectively attained have all been explained by fertility clinics using this theory. Numerous instances of formerly "unexplained infertility" or recurrent miscarriage can be treated using immunological therapy.

Track 18:Cellular and molecular immunology

The study primarily deals with cells, molecules, and immune system interactions, as well as how these interactions help the immune system identify and get rid of invaders. The human body has a number of immune defence mechanisms in place to protect it from different viruses, bacteria, fungi, and poisons. It discusses how immune cell pathways produce various immune cells, including B cells, T cells, and cytokines. Prior to making a reaction, the system frequently needs to recognise a pathogen. A T-interaction cell's with an antigen-presenting cell illustrates this stage of the response. An antibody molecule or a T-cell receptor (TCR) may detect a whole molecule or a fragment of a molecule as an antigen. The T-cell receptor and class I or class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex are the cell surface molecules involved in antigen recognition by T cells (MHC). Each T-cell expresses a distinct T-cell receptor that will only engage with a particular subset of antigens. Short peptides linked to MHC molecules serve as the antigens recognised by T-cell receptors.

Track 19:Vaccines and Vaccination

The purpose of a vaccination is to boost the immune system's defences against disease. Although most vaccines must be given via needle injection, some can either be taken orally or sprayed directly into the nose.You may prevent deadly infections from spreading to you by being vaccinated. It's easy, safe, and efficient. It strengthens your immune system and helps your body's natural defences develop tolerance to particular infections.The immune system is trained to produce antibodies via vaccinations, just as it does when it is exposed to a disease. Vaccines do not, however, cause the disease or increase your risk of its complications because they only include weakened or destroyed versions of pathogens like bacteria or viruses.

Track 20:Immunopathology

The study of immunological reactions connected to disease is known as immunopathology. The pathology of an organism, organ system, or illness as it relates to the immune system, immunity, and immunological responses is included in this study. In biology, it describes harm done to an organism as a result of an infection by its own immune system. When an animal pathogen infects a person, it frequently happens because there is a mismatch between the pathogen and the host species.

Track 21:Cell and developmental biology

Cell and Developmental Biology (CDB) focuses on the processes through which cells come together, carry out their functions, and develop into multicellular creatures. Cell biology research conducted by CDB focuses on fundamental issues that are relevant to all eukaryotic cells, such as cell motility, nucleocytoplasmic transport, and protein breakdown pathways. Understanding the emergence of patterns throughout development, how differential gene expression impacts cell fate, and mechanisms that direct the morphogenesis of tissues, organs, and organisms are the main goals of developmental biology. The basic biology of stem cells in growth and regeneration, as well as the capacity of cells and tissues to heal themselves, are the subjects of several lab investigations.

Track 22:Plant cell biology

Plant cells are characterised as eukaryotic cells having a genuine nucleus and specialised components known as organelles that perform particular activities.The plant cell is enclosed and given shape by a cell wall. The cell wall of the plant has a variety of different components, each of which serves a unique purpose inside the cell.



Market Analysis

The field of medical and biological research known as immunology focuses on the immune system. Our immune system protects us from infection in a number of different ways. When the human immune system is malfunctioning, diseases like autoimmunity, allergies, and cancer can develop. When the immune system assaults the body that it is supposed to defend, autoimmune disorders develop. People with autoimmune disorders have a deficiency in their immune system that prevents it from telling "self" molecules apart from "non-self" or "foreign" molecules. Numerous laboratory tests are available in immunology to identify autoimmune disorders.

The global immunology market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8% between 2021 and 2028, from an estimated value of US$ 91,850 million to US$ 156,378.2 million (2021–2028). Globally North America has the largest share in immunology drug market because of the availability of better reimbursement policies, high potential to invest a huge amount of money in the development of immunology drugs, and due to the advancement of technologies. Moreover, because of the easy accessibility to immunology medications and the high affordability of therapy, Europe is the second largest region in terms of market value.                                                                                               Immunology bar graph

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 17-18, 2023

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Journal of Immunobiology Journal of Infectious Diseases andMedicine Immunochemistry & Immunopathology

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