Michael Schnoor
CINEVISTAV-National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
Michael Schnoor studied Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Münster, Germany and received his PhD in 2004. He then joined the lab of Dr. Parkos at Emory University, Atlanta, GA as Post-doc before moving to the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Biomedicine in Germany to investigate the importance of the actin-binding proteins cortactin and HS1 in leukocyte recruitment during inflammation. In November 2011, he accepted an appointment as PI at the Department for Molecular Biomedicine, Cinvestav, Mexico-City where he continues to investigate molecular mechanisms regulating vascular permeability and leukocyte extravasation. In 2012, he received the Pathologist-in-Training Merit Award from the American Society of Investigative Pathology.
Abstract : Loss of HS1 inhibits neutrophil extravasation during inflammation via disturbed PKA signaling
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