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Maurilio Toscanode Lucena

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil

Title: Buschke-Loewenstein Tumor: a case series from Brazil


Biography: Maurilio Toscanode Lucena


Buschke-Loewenstein Tumor or giant condyloma acuminatum is a disease caused by a DNA virus, the self-inoculable human papilloma virus (HPV), being sexually transmitted. Histo-logically BLT is a benign tumor, but with malignant clinical behavior and a high propensityfor local recurrence and malignant degeneration. The clinical picture consists of the pres-ence of a cauliflower-like bulky condylomatous perianal mass with multiple fistulous tracts,which can cause great destruction of the anal canal, with invasion of adjacent tissues. Bleed-ing, foul odor, local pain and weight loss are also described. The diagnosis is establishedby biopsy that should exclude the presence of malignant transformation, which occurs in30–50% of cases. Associated with a biopsy, the hybridization test may be performed to diag-nose HPV infection, especially subtypes 6 and 11 that are commonly related. The treatmentof choice is radical surgical excision; however, those patients presenting with extensive fis-tulous lesions may require a temporary colostomy. Some authors advocate an abdominoper-ineal resection in cases of infiltration of the sphincter or rectum. This study was designed to evaluate the experience of the service of Coloproctology at a referral hospital in NortheasternBrazil with this rare entity, contributing to world literature in addressing this disease.