Ahmed G Hegazi
National Research Center, Egypt President, Egyptian Environmental Society for Uses and Production of Bee Product National Research Center, Egypt
Ahmad G Hegazi worked as a Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, National Research Center, Dept. Parasitology, 1997-2000, Chair of Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 1981-1997, part-time Professor and Supervisor of Immunology Section, National Research Center, 1990- up till now. He is also Prof. of Microbiology & Immunology, African Federation of Apiculture Associations (AFAA), 2001- up till now, Standing Commission on Apitherapy (APIMONDIA), 1999 - up till now, Member of Standing Scientific Committee, National Research Center, 1998 –up till now. He was awarded the Excellent Medal of the First Class, 1995, received the Senior Scientist Prize of National Research Center, 1996, and won The Second Best Research Paper award from International Congress of Propolis, Argentina, 2000. He has published in Egyptian Journal of Immunology, 1995, was in the Editorial Board of The Egyptian Association of Immunologists, 1992 –1997, Secretary General, Referee in 37 international journals patents: 4 Patents Educational Activities. He has published 193 articles in national and international scientific journals, 6 books in English and 7 books in Arabic.
Abstract : Cytokines pattern of multiple sclerosis patients treated with Apitherapy
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